Bute Discs


Bute discs can be retro-fitted to your existing machine. 

Standard Discs

Blunter edges making this disc better for

all round tillage

Cutting Discs

For extra cutting power, the optimum disc

for weed kill. 

BUTE 625's

6.25 inch gap between discs and has an aggressive disc angle making them the perfect tool for weed kill, sizing up residue and working in the soil 98%. 68kg/m.

Add weights to take the chain up to 96kg/m.

Bute 850's

Bigger 8.5 inch spacing perfect for wetter soils that clog up ordinary disc chains. 77kg/m.

Add weights to take the chain up to 107kg/m.

For more discs options and more information head to the Bute site by clicking here


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